Discussion about the Plum Geek Spirit Rover robot https://www.plumgeek.com/spirit.html
Hi, is it possible to access topics from the original Plum Geek Forum?
Could you tell us, owners of a Spirit robot, where we can find the old resources for Spirit ?
Did you already make a plan how to get further with Spirit ?
Thanks, best regards
The Plum Geek forum is now back up in read only mode. You can see it here:
The old forum is back up in read only mode:
Most of the resources are located on the main Spirit page:
I’m working on a plan with the original creator on how to move forward with the Spirit Rover. I hope to have more information in the next few weeks.
I was working with him about a year or so ago on the spirit and the PIC bootloader (He was having some issues updating). Was supposed to get a bad arduino brd to use as a test platform.
Then things went dark, from your post it looks like something happened??? Hopefully not a bad happen…
I am still up for helping. My goal was to make a control system for the Spirit that you could send commands down to to get it to move (similar to the one they use for the it’s big bro/sis on Mars).
With the option to drive it in real-time as well.
For this I am thinking now to drop the PI and just use the Arduino. With a wifi/ble adapter.
I also have the full schematic, src for PIC and Arduino…
@Marc_Karasek I will check with the previous owner and see if that bad board is still around. Thank you for your offer to help. I’m still getting up to speed on the Spirit rover myself.
@Eric Is there any news on the way forward you were working on in April last year?
@Marc_Karasek Is it possible for you to post links for the source code and the schematic?
Hi I have tried accessing the build instructions for the spirit rover, but the link seems to get redirected to the gitbook home page. Can you please provide a valid link or even the instructions in a PDF would be be good?
Sorry for the trouble, please try these links:
Something changed at gitbooks, we will look into it and update the website soon.
Thanks for those links. I had not seen the documentation for the Raspberry Pi. Very Handy!