I am interested in purchasing another Spirit robot. I also have some friends that are interested. Would there be further interest in another manufacture run for Spirit? Are there any owners who would part with theirs for a reasonable price?
I second this! I don’t own one, but would be willing to buy a couple.
I have one that I could sell.
It is a bit taken apart as I pulled the rasp pi out of the robot. IMO rasp pi was overkill and the interface between arduino and pi was less than useful. The top board has a connector soldered in to program the small micro controlling the motors. I also have the programming dongle for this as well.
I could sell the lot robot plus program dongle for $75 plus shipping
email me : marckarasek@gmail.com
Good afternoon Marc,
I have emailed you.
I have a Spirit Rover that I can sell. Say $75?
It is in perfect condition. Would throw in a low-profile HDMI cable that plugs in without disassembly, and some 3D printed Rover style wheels.
We have a lot of parts for the Spirit Rovers. I’m just not sure that we have enough to make complete kits.
We will do an inventory of the parts that are available and see what sort of kits we can put together.
Hi Everyone. I know I am weighing in late to this thread. I have two Spirit Rovers. I bought them thinking I would build them with my kids, and I just never got around to it.
The pictures are just of the outside of the box because it is still unopened. I could of course open the box (and take any other pictures to demonstrate they are real).
I found this forum today because I wondered what people had done with their Spirit Rovers. I thought this was a great KickStarter, but my interests have pulled me in other directions.
So if someone is interested in buying them, I would sell them.
Hi @Sean , I would like to buy them. Please email me at razaq@duck.com Thanks
OMG how can have those wheels for mine? please tell me you are still active here
Hi you still have any of them left?
Yes, I still have both of them and they are still unopened in the box. My kids joke that one day in the distant future I am going to build them with my kids’ kids. A few people have asked about them but we could not agree on the price. I thought they were priced pretty well for the kickstarter, but admittedly I have not done much thinking on this.